FVWM: RFE focus

From: Robert Forsman <thoth_at_purplefrog.com>
Date: Mon, 10 Dec 2001 19:16:30 -0500

  I was trying to assemble a config for FVWM2 which emulates my old VTWM

  I was delighted to discover the icon manager (FvwmIconMan). However, I
was disappointed with the behavior of

*FvwmIconMan*action Select sendcommand Focus

  It would flip from desktop to desktop depending on which window I had
selected. This is bad.

  One of my main uses for the icon manager was to select an off-screen
window into which I would type commands.

  For example, I am on a page with no Netscape. I would move my mouse over
the word Netscape in my icon manager and hit Alt-N. Netscape would then
spawn a new window on the current desktop.

  I've been faking it with button 2 in the pager. How can I make the icon
manager work like that?

  Anyway, if anyone can tell me how to get my old focus-without-changing-
pages behavior, I'd be happy. If not, just keep it in mind when you're
short of new features to implement.
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Received on Mon Dec 10 2001 - 18:16:31 GMT

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