Re: FVWM: Weirdness with keybindings

From: Mikhael Goikhman <>
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2001 15:50:19 +0000

On 02 Dec 2001 16:11:39 +0100, Marcus Lundblad wrote:
> I tried to bind "Windows menu key" (the one left of right ctrl) to bring
> up WindowList, by this line:
> Key Multi_key A N WindowList
> This binds both that key and "." to this action. But according to xev
> these have differnt mappings:
> keysym=0xff20 Multi_key , for the menu key and
> keysym=0x2e period , for "."

Probably there are some conflicts in your mapping, try "xmodmap -pk".
The conflicts may be resolved using xmodmap command placed in ~/.xinitrc.

More or less standard names for these windows keys are "Super_L",
"Super_R" and "Menu". I think this is what RedHat (your distributor) uses.
Did you define "Multi_key" keysym yourself?

> Also if I bind the WindowList to Alt+F2 by:
> Key F2 A M WindowList
> as soon as I release the keys, the focus snaps to first window in the
> list (it gets selected). With te binding above the list stayed open with
> pointer over the first entry so that arrows could be used to navigate.

By default, releasing left Alt closes WindowList.
Either use right Alt not left or add an empty SelectOnRelease option, like:

  WindowList Root c c NoDeskSort, SelectOnRelease

> If I keep Alt and F2 pressed and use arrow keys to navigate, the cursor
> jumps between the first entry for each desk.

With Alt pressed you may use Tab and Shift-Tab to navigate window entries.
In menus Alt with arrows jumps to the next menu section.

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Received on Sun Dec 02 2001 - 09:50:29 GMT

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