FVWM: making a shadowed title bar text

From: Riswick, J.G.A. van <J.G.A.v.Riswick_at_tue.nl>
Date: Sat, 17 Nov 2001 21:14:45 +0100


I'm trying to make a 'shadowed' title bar text for fvwm2
which should look like so:


So I first want to draw the text in a dark color, and
then shifted over one pixel diagonally, draw it in a light color.
I tried to use the shadow gc for this:

    if(t->name != (char *)NULL) {

      XDrawString(dpy, t->title_w, sgc, hor_off+1,
                  t->title_font.y + 2, t->name, strlen(t->name));

      XDrawString(dpy, t->title_w, Scr.TitleGC, hor_off,
                  t->title_font.y + 1, t->name, strlen(t->name));

(border.c, line 1337)

but it doesn't display correctly, the shadow gc seems to have
the wrong font:


how should I correct this?

best regards

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Received on Sat Nov 17 2001 - 14:14:46 GMT

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