Re: FVWM: Fixed

From: Dan Espen <>
Date: Fri, 16 Nov 2001 08:28:06 -0500

David <> writes:
> I have a new problem to raise. I wrote an application with a
> small window which is used to popup other windows: usually
> Motif XmSearchbox or XmBillboard dialogs. These popups put
> themselves right on top of the original window rather than
> at the x,y coordinates specified in the application's default
> file for the dialog.
> Based on the discussions and assistance which I have benefitted
> from here, and which is greatly appreciated, I think this is
> a problem with XFree86 and not lesstif or fvwm. If there is
> a contrary opinion, please let me know.

Look at the man page where it discusses UseTransientPPosition.

Dan Espen
444 Hoes Lane  Room RRC 1C-214           E-mail:
Piscataway, NJ 08854                     Phone: (732) 699-5570
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