FVWM: Odd pager behavior

From: Norman Walsh <ndw_at_nwalsh.com>
Date: 08 Nov 2001 09:55:37 -0500

I'm running FVWM 2.4.0 (as my Gnome window manager, which may be
relevant) for a while and I recently decided to change the geometry of
the pager, so I updated that section of my .fvwm2rc file as follows:

# ============================================================
# FvwmPager
*FvwmPagerBack #908090
*FvwmPagerFore #484048
*FvwmPagerFont -ttf-georgia-medium-r-normal-regular-0-60-0-0-p-0-iso8859-1
# turn off the names
*FvwmPagerFont none
*FvwmPagerHilight #cab3ca
*FvwmPagerGeometry 132x33-0+0
*FvwmPagerLabel 0 Main
*FvwmPagerLabel 1 Web
*FvwmPagerLabel 2 Mail
*FvwmPagerLabel 3 Misc
*FvwmPagerSmallFont 5x8
*FvwmPagerBalloons All
*FvwmPagerBalloonBack Yellow
*FvwmPagerBalloonFore Black
*FvwmPagerBalloonFont fixed
*FvwmPagerBalloonYOffset +2
*FvwmPagerBalloonBorderWidth 1
*FvwmPagerBalloonBorderColor Black

(It had previously been 100x25-0+0).

Now when I login, the pager still comes up as 100x25, but if I reload FVWM
it "snaps" to the right size. Is that odd, or is it just me? :-)

                                        Be seeing you,

Norman Walsh <ndw_at_nwalsh.com> | Klein bottle for rent; enquire within.
http://nwalsh.com/            | 
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Received on Thu Nov 08 2001 - 08:56:12 GMT

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