Re: FVWM: FVWM2 (2.4.0) Slow vs. WMaker

From: Andy <>
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 23:46:22 -0500

> > This may be a small thing to some, but it is important when I've set up
> > my machine and want to use it as a desktop Linux box(and get jealous
> > when using MSWindows). One thing I've noticed is that my windows are
> > pretty slow to draw when I move them around (I use opaque windows, and
> > no icons, just a large (1-2MB) .xpm for a background and a desktop at
> > 1600x1200). However, the one that is very quick is XMMS. Since I've got
> > DRI working, as well, OGL stuff is fast, as well, but, AFAIK, there
> > aren't any OGL window managers. I thought this was curious. One friend
> > of mine suggested that it was because XMMS uses a small window. However,
> > when I move, say, an xload window (a small one) it moves choppily, too.
> > At first, I just chalked this all up to X being slow. However, today, I
> > tried something different. I installed an older version of WindowMaker
> > (whatever came with Slackware 7.1... 0.62.1) on my box and got it
> > working. To my surprise, the windows (using opaque moving) moved around
> > significantly smoother than FVWM2. So, my question is: why is
> > WindowMaker faster than FVWM2 at redrawing windows? Can I make FVWM2
> > faster at redrawing windows? Do other people notice this, as well?
> One reason is that fvwm does a lot of things during window motion.
> You can speed this up by not using some of the functionality:
> - Turn off SnapGrid and SnapAttraction
> - Use simple window decorations without gradients or pixmaps
How do I do this? I'm currently just using the default, gray "3D" window

> - Use only one page per desk (DesktopSize 1x1)
I'm currently using 2x2 pages per desk on two desks, but I tried that
and there was no significant speed improvement.

> Another reason can be backing storage and saving window contents
> obscured by other windows. If both are turned off, X has to do a
> lot of extra drawing, but it actually depends on the video card
> (and the applications) if the additional drawing is faster or
> slower than caching the contents (because reading from the video
> card is usually much slower than writing to it). Try if either
> Style * BackingStore, SaveUnder
> or
> Style * BackingStoreOff, SaveUnderOff
> helps.
I've tried those and they don't really seem to do anything. I've even
tried to tell X to use/not use backing store, and FVWM is still pretty
slow (more like choppy).

If it helps, I'm using X4.1.0 on a RadeonVE with a desktop size of
1600x1200 and 24bpp.

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