FVWM: Parentheses in ButtonStyle

From: Gregg Dameron <gregg.dameron_at_lmco.com>
Date: Wed, 31 Oct 2001 15:46:45 -0700

I am an fvwm95 user who is converting to fvwm2. I am running 2.4.3 on
Solaris 7. I ran the "setup 95" script from the root menu, then began
experimenting with my "decorations" file.

The setup 95 script gave me these ButtonStyles:

ButtonStyle 1 MiniIcon (-- flat)
ButtonStyle all -- UseTitleStyle Flat
AddButtonStyle 2 Pixmap mini.winXX-close.xpm
AddButtonStyle 4 Pixmap mini.winXX-maximize.xpm
AddButtonStyle 6 Pixmap mini.winXX-minimize.xpm

To keep the fvwm95 look/feel, I wanted buttons 2, 4 & 6 to be raised,
and button 1 to stay flat. I changed the second line to:

ButtonStyle Right -- UseTitleStyle Raised

which worked for 2, 4 & 6 but had the side effect of raising button 1 as
well. I eventually got what I wanted by changing the first line to:

ButtonStyle 1 MiniIcon -- UseTitleStyle Flat

Oddly, removing the parentheses from the first line is what re-flattened
button 1. The man page mentions parentheses in the context of multiple
definitions per line, but doesn't shed light on the behavior I'm
seeing. Can someone explain?

Gregg Dameron

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Received on Wed Oct 31 2001 - 16:47:20 GMT

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