RE: FVWM: wait cursor

From: Riswick, J.G.A. van <>
Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2001 14:34:37 +0200

>Send your waitcursorshade pixmap if you still
>have problems with it.


I still have difficulty displaying the right cursor. To
test the cursor commands, I made a .fvwm2rc with only
these three lines:

BusyCursor * True
CursorStyle WAIT /home/jos/waitcursorshade.xpm white black
CursorStyle ROOT /home/jos/waitcursorshade.xpm white black

then on the root the cursor is displayed correctly, but
when I start up netscape, or when netscape is looking for
a www page, I still see a watch. Could it be that netscape
displays it's own cursor, or that this has to be set in
an xresources file? I'll include the xpm file below.

best regards


-----CUT HERE: waitcursorshade.xpm -----------------------------

/* XPM */
static char * cdewaitcursor_xpm[] = {
"36 34 3 1",
" c None",
". c #FFFFFF",
"+ c #000000",
" .++ .+ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+++++++++ +++++++++. ++. ",
" .++ .++++++++++++++++++. ++. ",
" .++ ..++++++++++++++.. ++. ",
" .++ ..++++++++++. ++. ",
" .++ ..++++++.. ++. ",
" .++ .++. ++. ",
" .++ .++. ++. ",
" .++ ..++ ++.. ++. ",
" .++ ..++ ++.. ++. ",
" .++ ..++ ++.. ++. ",
" .++ .++ ++. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ + +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +++++ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +++++++ +. ++. ",
" .++ .+ +++++++++++++ +. ++. ",
" .++ .++++++++++++++++++++++++. ++. ",
" .++ .++++++++++++++++++++++++. ++. ",
" .++ .++++++++++++++++++++++. ++. ",
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Received on Thu Oct 18 2001 - 07:34:36 BST

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