Re: FVWM: How about voting for FVWM!

From: Suzanne Britton <>
Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 05:49:33 -0400

> i like programs to do exactly what i like them to do, no
> matter if i have to spend 2 days configuring them

Yes! I could write a 10-page rant about arrogant applications that
think they're smarter than the user.

One of the things I love about fvwm is the single, hand-tweakable configuration
file, and the fact that fvwm doesn't write over it unless you darned well tell
it to. I'm fed up with config files that take up whole directory trees, get
written out every time you quit whether you changed the config or not, and/or
have threatening headers like "<automatically generated, do not edit!>"
Blegh. Why don't you use a proprietary binary format, while you're at it?

The worst offender I can recall is an app called FancyLauncher that I tried
briefly. It writes out its config every time it exits, whether you've changed
anything or not--and even if you're right in the middle of editing the
config file. Now, it lets you specify relative offsets for button locations,
so that you can easily, say, insert new buttons in the middle without changing
the location data for the rest. But when it writes its config out upon
exiting, it *always* writes out absolute button locations! So much for that
useful feature...

> also, i am not sure if this observation has any basis, but
> somehow fvwm always seemed to be much faster then
> enlightenment, sawfish, kde, and the likes.

WindowMaker is pretty zippy, but eventually I tired of its inflexible design.

> so, the thing that always bothered me is why people started
> new wm projects, as opposed to helping out with existing
> ones, like fvwm?

Well, count me in as someone who's trying to help out with fvwm :-) I've
created a patch to make titlebars more themable, but right now it's heavily in
development and I've only been posting it on fvwm-workers. For a preview of
its abilities, check out the screenshots at

I think one of the problems with fvwm is that it is vastly underrated.
Few people seem to know how beautiful it can be, as well as functional.


-- -
"I'm aware of that, sweetheart. It's just that when I wake up to a hissing
goat skull on my nightstand, and it hops off and runs across the floor on
spider legs, I sleep a lot better knowing where it ran off to."
                                                          - Ted (Red Meat)
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