FVWM: Scrolling the window up into the title bar.

From: Glen Lee Edwards <glen_at_fcwm.org>
Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2001 08:56:22 -0500 (CDT)

When I first started using Linux I played with several window managers to see
which one I would like the best. One of them, don't recall which, had a feature
where the window would scroll up into the title bar, leaving only the bar
visible on the desktop. I prefer that feature over creating icons for windows
I'm not currently using. I tried to recreate it in Fvwm using ResizeMove, but I
can't get the window to scroll completely up into the title bar. Depending on
the program, part of the window always shows. Is there a way to do this - leave
only the title bar showing?



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Received on Mon Sep 24 2001 - 08:56:04 BST

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