Re: FVWM: cycling to fast thru the WindowList

From: Johannes Zellner <>
Date: Thu, 13 Sep 2001 20:57:15 +0200

On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 06:58:02PM +0200, Johannes Zellner wrote:
> Hi,
> I've according to the manual something like
> AddToFunc SwitchToWindow
> + I WindowListFunc $w
> Key Tab A M WindowList [CurrentPage !iconic] Prev SwitchToWindow
> This works as I expect, but only if I wait for about
> 1/4 second after hitting the first time <M-Tab>.
> If I hit <M-Tab><M-Tab> too fast, the first <M-Tab> launches
> the Window List with the cursor placed on the first entry
> (as expected) but the second <M-Tab> immediately switches to
> the selected window (which is the current window anyway) and
> the Window List ist dismissed again.
> What's wrong here ?

well, I found it out myself: I must not specify the double-click

One remaining question: How can I turn off the title "Desk 0" ?

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