FVWM: FvwmBacker problem

From: Marcus Lundblad <ml_at_update.uu.se>
Date: Mon, 10 Sep 2001 11:09:30 +0200 (CEST)


Using the 4 desktops with each 2x2 pages setup I described earlier:
I have tried to setup different background for each desktop using commands
like this:

*FvwmBacker: Command (Page * *, Desk 0) Exec xsetbg
*FvwmBacker: Command (Page * *, Desk 1) Exec xsetbg
*FvwmBacker: Command (Page * *, Desk 2) Exec xsetbg $HOME/images/dunes.ppm
*FvwmBacker: Command (Page * *, Desk 3) Exec xsetbg $HOME/images/blue.ppm

And I'm starting FvwmBacker module in Init and Restart function.
It almost works. It sets the correct background on startup. And when
swiching desktops via keyboard shortcuts (wich invoke GotoDesk -1 0 0 3
 and GotoDesk 1 0 0 3 repectivly) it sets the correct background.
But when clicking in pager with the mouse it gives weird resultes,
sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't get set when switching to a
different desk but the same page as before and then sets the correct
background if I do a page shift within that desk.

I suspect this might be related to the problem I reported earlier using
the function GotoDeskAndPage prev

I could try and run fvwm2 using .xsession to get debug output in a file if
it might help.


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Received on Mon Sep 10 2001 - 04:09:32 BST

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