FVWM: Stubborn icons?

From: Tim Downie <tim_at_stats.ucl.ac.uk>
Date: Thu, 23 Aug 2001 10:45:23 +0100

Hi I'm using FVWM2 on linux (slackware),
having previously used FVWM 1x on a solaris machine.

Most of the things I can be bothered about, I have managed to
convert to version 2, but there was one thing that I really
liked but have not been able to find any equivalent in version 2.

The thing I liked was the StubbornIcons style.
When an icon was deiconified, the window appeared in the location
from which it was iconified.
The default is for all icons to restore onto the current virtual page.

Does anyone know of a way
to get back the stubbornicon behavior in version 2?

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Received on Thu Aug 23 2001 - 04:44:20 BST

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