FVWM: FVWM ignores a few key combinations

From: Klaus Zeitler <kzeitler_at_lucent.com>
Date: 14 Aug 2001 17:00:18 +0200


I'm using the super key (defined as modifier 5) often combined with the
shift key to interact with my window manager, i.e. I have defined
a whole bunch of lines like e.g.

Key i A 5 Iconify

after a while I ran out of mnemonic <super>-<char> combinations so I started
combining them with the shift key, like:

Key x A 5S exec xterm

For some odd reason the following 4 key combinations don't work:

but all other <super>-<shift>-<key> combinations work just fine.

Of course I can live without those 4 combinations, but 'inquiring minds
want to know' :-).
This seems like a typical Murphy since the first 2 combinations I defined
where <super>-<shift>-w and <super>-<shift>-x (for starting an xterm and a
web browser). So first I thought <super>-<shift> might not work at all, but
it was just bad luck :-).

To make sure that this wasn't caused by anything else in my .fvwm2rc I tried
this also with a .fvwm2rc file that contained nothing but a few of these
key definitions.

BTW I'm running fvwm2 2.2.4 on HP-UX B.10.20 but the same 4 keys don't work
on my Linux PC either.


|  Klaus Zeitler      Lucent Technologies  |
|  Email:             kzeitler_at_lucent.com  |
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