FVWM: loses info in graphics windows

From: Dan Melconian <melcon_at_triumf.ca>
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2001 01:33:39 -0700 (PDT)


        I hope I am writing to the right place ... If not, sorry!

        I have recently switched (back) to FVWM from GNOME, and am
generally happy with everything. The one thing I _really_ want to fix,
and which may sway me back to GNOME, is the way FVWM is handling my
graphics windows. I use a local program, physica, which brings up it's
own graphics window to make my pretty plots; whenever I switch
pages/desks, or even just place another window on top of this graphics
window, the graphics disappear and I'm left with a blank window (when
placing other windows on top, only the area covered is lost). When I work
with small files, this isn't a problem because I generally use macros, but
sometimes it takes 20 mins to analyze stuff, which is far too long just to
look again at what I've already analyzed!
        I realize physica (see www.triumf.ca/physica/html/homepage.html if
you care) is not a world-renowned program, but perhaps you're familiar
with CERN's "PAW" (physics analysis workstation) program? The same thing
happens with it's graphics window.

        Thanks in advance,

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Received on Tue Jul 10 2001 - 03:35:21 BST

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