Re: FVWM: Implementing a kiosk with FVWM

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Fri, 22 Jun 2001 09:59:03 +0200

On Fri, Jun 22, 2001 at 09:05:12AM +0100, Ripalda-Marin, Miguel-Angel wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> we are developing a kind of Kiosk over FVWM. Now I would like to perform
> some 'strange' functionality:
> 1.- I have one window with the main buttons of my kiosk app.
> 2.- I have another window with plaympeg running some videos.
> 3.- The video window must stay on top as long as the user doesn't push any
> button of the main window (the user can see the buttons because the main
> window is elarged to the size of the screen, and the video window is
> smaller, and plaed on the top-left corner).
> 4.- What I don't want is the video window to move back if the user clicks on
> any visible part of the main window that doesn't belong to the buttons...
> I have tried to set the video window style to sticky, but I doesn't seem to
> work (I suppose that the thing that does not work is my brain ;-)
> Best regards and thanks evrybody in advance,

Since fvwm knows nothing about the contents of a window you have
to teach the buttons to explicitly raise or lower the windows.

 - Place the main window below the video window at first.

 - Use ClickToFocus on both windows and make sure that clicking
   in the window does not raise them:

     Style * ClickToFocus, ClickToFocusRaisesOff

   for 2.3.x or

     Style * ClickToFocus
     GlobalOpts ClickToFocusClickDoesntRaise
   for 2.2.x.

 - Make sure that the windows get no decorations or if they do
   that fo raise/lower actions are bound to any part of the

 - Start the FvwmCommandS module when fvwm starts up.

 - Now, make the buttons on the main window trigger this shell
   command in addition to whatever they normally do:

     FvwmCommand "Next (main_window_name) Raise"

   And for the hypothetical "Show video" button:

     FvwmCommand "Next (main_window_name) Lower"

This will not work too well if any of the windows are ever
closed and reopened. In this case I recommend you the "Layer"
command of 2.3.x instead of Raise and lower:

  Raise -> Layer 0 6
  Lower -> Layer 0 2

I'd be interested to get feedback if you get this working.


Dominik ^_^ ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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