John Watson
Project Editor
Design Revolution
30 West Drive
East Sussex BN2 2GE
United Kingdom
14 May 2001
Hello fvwm
Request for permission to use a screenshot
We are currently working on a series of highly illustrated computer-related
books for the publishers Dorling Kindersley. The titles range from
step-by-step guides for applications such as Word and Excel, to general
guides for using a PC.
One of the titles in progress at the moment is "Linux: An Introduction" and,
as an example of a desktop window manager, we would like to include one of
the screenshots from your screenshot pages. The one we would like to use was
submitted by Paul E. Johnson, and Išve mailed him for his permission to use
the screenshot as well.
We will naturally credit your organization, and I would be grateful if you
could grant us permission to use the screenshot in the book.
I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible because the
production of the book is almost complete.
Thanks for your attention
John Watson
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Received on Mon May 14 2001 - 05:05:25 BST