FVWM: New to fvwm

From: Pradeep Subramaniam <pradeep_at_tradeit.com>
Date: Fri, 24 Dec 1999 00:09:12 -0500 (EST)

Hi there,

I have very recently compiled and installed fvwm2 on a Solaris 2.6 box.
I went through the instructions given in the mailing list archive to
setup the rc file and have it come up when I log in on CDE.

The only problem is that the DtHelp and DtBrowser start up as well. It
is a pain to have to close them each time I log in. can anyone please
tell me how to turn this off. Thanks.


Pradeep Subramaniam,                    | 
Senior Systems Administrator    	| You can fool some of the people
Versus Technologies  Inc.		|   all the time, but not all the
e-mail: pradeep_at_tradeit.com		|   people all the time.
phone: (416) 214 7979 			|
fax:   (416) 214 9065                   | - Yet another brilliant philosopher
cell:  (416) 991 9625			|
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Received on Thu Dec 23 1999 - 23:11:04 GMT

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