FVWM: Skipping an fvwmbuttons module using Current (!MyButtons)

From: josvanr <josvanr_at_xs4all.nl>
Date: Sat, 04 Dec 1999 11:50:52 +0100


I'm using an alt-tab like key binding to switch between the windows
on the current page using 'Current'. Now, I launch an Fvwmbuttons
panel at startup using Module FvwmButtons MyPanel, and I'd like to
skip that panel while cycling the windows. I tried using this:
Current (!MyPanel), but that doesn't work, the panel gets the focus
anyway. (It does work for other windows, like xterm and FvwmIconMan.)
Also Current(!FvwmButtons) doesn't work. Does anybody know what
I could be doing wrong?



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Received on Sat Dec 04 1999 - 04:47:07 GMT

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