FVWM: WindowList configuration [followup]

From: Joseph Manning <manning_at_cs.ucc.ie>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 13:01:18 +0000 (GMT)


   Recently, I wrote:

>> 2) I use highlighting to show which entry in the WindowList is
>> currently selected. But WindowList also puts a cursor on the
>> selected item. The cursor is unnecessary, it partially obscures
>> the name of the icon, and it's just clutter. Is there any way
>> to remove the cursor from a WindowList?
>> I guess I could define my own xpm file with an invisible cursor,
>> but that seems like an awkward solution. Might I instead propose
>> a new option, of the form:
>> WindowList NoCursor

   As a clarification, I guess I should have mentioned that I use the
   arrow keys, rather than the mouse, for navigation of the windowlist.
   Hence my wish not to have a cursor cluttering things up.

   Since these considerations actually apply more generally,
   to all menus in fact, perhaps a more appropriate suggestion
   would be the option:

      MenuStyle <menuname> NoCursor

   or perhaps (not such a nice solution):

      CursorStyle MENU -1

   where -1 denotes "no cursor".

Joseph (proud supporter of Feeping Creaturism)

Joseph Manning / Computer Science / University College Cork / manning_at_cs.ucc.ie

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Received on Fri Nov 26 1999 - 07:05:31 GMT

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