Re: FVWM: when a menu is taller than the screen

From: Tenebrae <>
Date: Fri, 11 May 2001 05:42:23 -0700 (PDT)

On Fri, 11 May 2001, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> On Wed, May 09, 2001 at 10:30:07AM -0400, Keith Kaple wrote:
> > Yea, it _looks_ like a submenu, it says "More..." with an underscore below the first . and has an arrow > at the right of it. But scrolling to it and pressing enter or any mouse button or any arrow key just makes the whole menu disappear.
> >
> > Normally, putting the mouse on a submenu makes it appear. This "automatic" submenu doesn' I need to define an action for "More..."? If so, what would I need to call the submenu it displays.
> >
> > Fvwm Version 2.2.2
> >
> > perhaps that's my problem, is this a known bug?
> It may be some mis-calculation of the menu size. For The 2.3.x
> betas I rewrote the menu sizing code. Could you try if this
> works for you? Ptherwise, please send your config file along with
> detailed instructions how to see the problem.

Not quite the same problem as I have sometimes, but I DO occasionally have
a menu that's too large for my screen that I can't expand because the part
that should say "More..." is offscreen. Oh, I HATE that...
Version is fvwm2-2.2.4-4.
I have an fvwm95 holdover at the bottom of my screen of a taskbar-type
strip. I guess it has some "Always on top to interfere with your large
menus" option set...

Another thing I've noticed is that "FvwmTaskbar" occasionally seems to
show up as being some freaky memory hog in "top." It's the only thing I
ever get any FVWM-related errors with. Is that what that aforementioned
strip at the bottom is called?

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