FVWM: with regards to configuration

From: Andrey <aam396_at_mail.usask.ca>
Date: Thu, 28 Oct 1999 19:27:31 -0600 (CST)


This is my first post here so please bear with me... :)

I have several small problems with setting up my fvwm2 (this is what I prefer
using) -- I seem to be unable to have any icons associated with my xterms and
several other programs.
I know there should be a default Icon associated with each program I start via
Style "*" Icon xterm.xpm
But this seems not to be the case here.

I have the above in my .fvwm2rc file and I most definitely have the path to the
icons set via IconPath (with or without the trailing '/') and it's still not
It seems to work for RedHat's default fvwm2 configuration (something they call
fvwm-MWM) but I am unable to browse through all the configuration files and
decrypt the procedures they have used myself.
This said I would like to be pointed towards a nice fvwm2 setup guide, since the
man pages seem to be unhelpful when it comes to Button configuration and/or
problems like the above.

I thank you for your cooperation


 F2F -- Proud Member of the Saskatun Hahaking Grup
 "Using whatever hardware I can find since 1976"
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Received on Thu Oct 28 1999 - 20:30:41 BST

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