RE: FVWM: Erroneous .fvwm2rc parsing

From: jason <>
Date: Mon, 27 Sep 1999 15:25:50 -0500 (CDT)

  Yes, I knew that's what its purpose was. I just didn't expect it to
apply on a comment line, so I thought it was a bug. This is how /bin/sh
works, e.g.:

# \
echo hello
echo world

produces the ouput:


when executed, since everything on a comment line is ignored. I wasn't
aware that fvwm implements this differently, especially since the way
/bin/sh implements it seems more natural to me. Oh, well. I'm glad to
hear that it's not a bug. ;-)


On Mon, 27 Sep 1999 wrote:

> Jason,
> the \ character is often used to `unspecial` the special characters, in
> this case meaning that the new line right after it would NOT be considered
> an end of line - i.e. the next line is basically the same line for the
> purposes of the program that reads the file.
> it's probably clear enough, but here's an example anyway:
> first line \
> second line
> would be read as one line:
> first line second line
> your MenuStyle command is thus commented out.
> erik

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