Re: FVWM: how do I set the mouse to be left handed?

From: Sten Drescher <>
Date: 22 Sep 1999 17:35:53 -0500

>>>>> Kishore Murthy writes:

KM> Hi there, I just started to use fvwm and was wondering if there
KM> was a way to make the mouse left-handed.

        That's actually more of a session manager[1] issue than a
window manager issue. The command to use is

        xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1"

If you have more than three real buttons[2], continue the sequence at
the beginning. If you have virtual buttons (for example, you have a
roller that you've mapped up to button 4 and down to button 5), add
them at the end of the list. For example, the command for my cordless
wheel mouse is

        xmodmap -e "pointer = 3 2 1 4 5"

Where you put this depends upon what, if any, session manager you use.
It's quite possible that your session startup script already invokes
xmodmap. For example, the standard XConsortium xinitrc looks for
${HOME}/.xmodmap, and uses it for the xmodmap commands (what is in
quotes above).

[1] This isn't a rigorous definition, but a session manager handles
what applications are started when you log in/start X, and a window
manager handles how the windows displayed by applications are
displayed. Session managers are a newer innovation than window
managers, so you may just be dropping things in ${HOME}/.xinitrc .

[2] That are usable left-handed - I don't think "thumb" buttons are
terribly useful, but then, I have short fingers.

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