Re: FVWM: having a window with frames but no resizing

From: Pablo Osinaga <>
Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 04:10:29 -0400

On Thu, 02 Sep 1999, Dominik Vogt wrote:

> > Is there any way to tell fvwm that some windows cannot be resized?
> > I'm sure that there have to be a way to acomplish this...
> Only by writing the application in a way that it asks for a
> specific size from the window manager. THere is no Style
> option allowing this.

Help me with this. I don't know how these kind of things exactly works.
I need to tell fvwm not to resize some windows. I am able to do it now by this
Stryle (literaly):

Style "Netscape*" NoHandles, NoTitle, BorderWidth 0, ClickToFocus

The problem with this is that I have no Border and I would like to have. I
don't want to have Title.

You are telling me that I can tell a specific size for my application to the
window manager (is it part of ICCCM?). I don't have access to the aplication
(Netscape), so, do you know if is there any way to simulate this request from
outside netscape? Can I send this request from another program?

Thanks a lot, Pablo
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Received on Fri Sep 03 1999 - 02:27:40 BST

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