FVWM: Re: recapture ; icons

From: Chris Siebenmann <cks_at_hawkwind.utcs.toronto.edu>
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 1999 20:02:28 -0500

| I've noticed that icons get repositioned when the Recapture command is run.
| Is there any way to turn this off and let the icons stay where they were?

 I will second this. I suspect that the intended behavior is that icons
that were automatically placed should be re-positioned equally automatically,
perhaps tidying them up. The unfortunate current effect is that if you don't
have automatic icon placement on, all your icons get 'tidied' to +0 +0 in
an ugly mess.

 Ideally, Recapture would only reposition icons that were auto-placed and
then never moved afterwards.

        - cks
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Received on Mon Jul 05 1999 - 19:03:54 BST

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