Re: FVWM: drag'n drop

From: Dominik Vogt <>
Date: Thu, 10 Jun 1999 01:13:19 +0200

On Wed, Jun 09, 1999 at 05:39:14PM +0000, Jacques B. Siboni wrote:
> Hi,
> Do you know of a way to have access to a drag and drop feature with fvwm2?
> I mean the feature found on Windows, and possibly on Motif, to grasp a file or
> program and drop it onto the desktop ground?

Drag-and-drop is way out of the responibilities of a window manager. Dtwm,
the window manager supplied for CDE doen't know about d&d either. It's the
'desktop environment' that provides the functionality. Fvwm knows nothing
about programs or files and thus could not know what to do with them.
Fvwm might be a *client* for d&d that can receive *objects* dropped into
it. In general, the d&d you will find on any UNIX isn't very sophisticated.
CDE has d&d, but it's limited to the few applications that are CDE aware
(i.e. the ones that are supplied with CDE and perhaps a few others). KDE
is said to get a very advanced d&d interface in the future (2.0 release).
I don't know about GNOME, but I suppose it's similar.

> Is it planned to be included in a future version or is there an additional
> program that deals with it?

No, there are no such plans. If someone wrote a module for this I'd be
willing to include it, but I don't believe anybody will do it before
it's clear how the future of d&d will look in the UNIX world (KDE? GNOME?
will KDE and GNOME agree on a common interface? Something completely


Dominik ^_^

Dominik Vogt,
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Received on Wed Jun 09 1999 - 18:41:11 BST

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