Re: [Fwd: FVWM: fvwmaudio & fvwmevent dump cores]

From: Michael Han <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 01:33:11 -0700

>Thank you for your fast answer. I downloaded the 2.3.3 version and the result
>is very different. I don't get a core file and the FvwmEvent keeps running.
>But I don't get no sound and the play program appears as zombie in the ps
>Maybe it could be a configuration error. Here is my .fvwm2rc file

I think this is a configuration error.

>AddToFunc "myplay" "I" Exec exec /usr/bin/play /usr/share/sound/$1

Note that the first variable of a function is represented in AddToFunc
as $0. See 'man fvwm2' in the section for AddToFunc. Anyway, try
replacing $1 above with $0. Currently you're trying to play a
directory, I believe.
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