FVWM: Re: fvwm2.3.2

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <tibbs_at_math.uh.edu>
Date: 02 Jun 1999 20:03:27 -0500

>>>>> "B" == Bill <willelit_at_yahoo.com> writes:

B> Your ftp site lists 2.3.2 as a 'test' version. The other site (CNET) did
B> not specify this as a test version.

Then they screwed up; FVWM releases are numbered like Linux kernel
releases: if the second digit is odd, don't use it unless you like your
software broken. If it's even, it's stable.

B> My Question: Should I get the 2.2 RELEASED version instead, or will the
B> 2.3.2 version work alright?

Well, if you like alpha-quality development software, feel free to stick
with 2.3.2. But if you want it to work then get 2.2.2.
Jason L Tibbitts III - tibbs_at_uh.edu - 713/743-3486 - 660PGH - 94 PC800
   System Manager:  University of Houston Department of Mathematics 
         "You'll see the blood as we roll in it together..."
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Received on Wed Jun 02 1999 - 20:04:35 BST

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