RE: FVWM: New problems since 2.3.6

From: Adye, TJ (Tim) <"Adye,>
Date: Thu, 3 May 2001 03:01:19 +0100

Hi Dan,

Thanks for the message.

> Does clicking on the titlebar vs. clicking in the window act
> differently?

No, they do the same thing: clicking in window or titlebar both raise the
window as one would like (in fact this is one of the improvements since
2.3.6, which often didn't raise the window if one only clicked in the
window). The problem is that 2.3.31 is too eager to raise the window: when
the active X-window is behind a native window, it is raised even if the
cursor just passes through it. This is only a problem with the active
window, and only when a native window is in front (when there's just
X-windows involved it all works perfectly). Unfortunately this behaviour can
make fvwm nearly unusable, as a small native window in front of a large
X-window becomes nearly inaccessible as it's always pushed back when one
tries to get at it.

> Have you looked at the various "ClickRaises" options?

All the ones I could find: as well as ClickToFocus, I normally have
ClickToFocusPassesClick, ClickToFocusRaises, and MouseFocusClickRaises
enabled, but I tried turning them off with no luck - though maybe there's a
magic combination I've missed.

> > 2) Deiconising or switching to a window (by menu or taskbar) does an
> > annoying full screen refresh. This doesn't happen when the window is
> > selected by just clicking on it.
> I don't see this. Are you using some kind of function to
> deiconify that includes a refresh?

Not that I can tell. I'm using the sample-95 setup with a few edits. For
example, I have

*FvwmTaskBarAction Click1 DeiconifyFocusAndRaise
AddToFunc DeiconifyFocusAndRaise I Iconify off
+ I Focus
+ I Raise

> > 3) In my FvwmButtons (edited a little to conform to the new syntax) I
> > buttons like
> >
> > *BarButtons(Title XTerm, Icon rterm.xpm, Action `Exec "XTerm" exec
> >
> I'm not sure, but it looks like there too many execs after action.

I tried removing the second exec, but that didn't help. I use the second
exec to prevent the shell process hanging around unnecessarily.

These still look like bugs. Should I add them to the bug tracking system?


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Tim Adye, BaBar/DELPHI Groups, Particle Physics Dept., _ /|
          Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK. \'o.O' Oop!
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