FVWM: .fvwmrc files and multiheaded displays

From: Brand Hilton <bhilton_at_adc.com>
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 17:05:22 -0500

I hope this is a simple question, but my efforts to answer it have
been fruitless so far.

I just got a second monitor on my Sun. I understand that there is a
separate fvwm managing each monitor. No problem. However, what I
want to do is run a slightly different .fvwmrc in each of these
processes, and I can't figure out how to do it.

A simple if-then-else construct in the config file would solve my
problems. I could just key off the $DISPLAY environment variable.
Alternatively, if I could find a way to use $DISPLAY as part of the
filename in a Read command (like "Read .fvwmrc$DISPLAY" or something),
that would work, too. But, no luck.

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

|///  |   Brand Hilton  bhilton_at_adc.com
|  ADC|   ADC Telecommunications
|_____|   Richardson, Texas
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