Re: FVWM: Finally moved to 2.2, can't figure out some changes

From: Brad Giaccio <>
Date: Thu, 20 May 1999 13:38:42 -0400

On Thu, May 20, 1999 at 01:16:19PM -0400, David S. Goldberg wrote:
> 4: (feature request, I'll try to come up with a patch later today) My
> home directory is in AFS space which means that I can't have FIFOs etc
> in there. For FvwmCommand, I can specify the -f option to provide for
> an alternate path for the FIFO. I need to be able to do the same for
> FvwmConsole, which is hardwired to $HOME. I realize I can try
> wrapping FvwmConsole with a shell script that sets HOME and execs
> FvwmConsole, but that seems suboptimal. Unless there's a way to set
> an envar in .fvwm2rc that I've missed.
> Thanks for any help,

Actually in the man page should have
     SetEnv varname stringvalue
          Set an environment variable to a new value, similar to
          shell's export or setenv command. The variable and its
          value are inherited by processes started directly by
          fvwm2. This can be especially useful in conjunction
          with the FvwmM4 module; e.g. "SetEnv height HEIGHT"
          will make the FvwmM4-set variable "HEIGHT" usable by
          processes started by fvwm2 as the environment variable
          "$height". If stringvalue includes whitespace, you
          should enclose it in quotes.

not sure if this will do what you want for FvwmConsole but it will let
you set an environment variable.

--- There are two kinds of knowledge, you either know the answer or
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		      -Kane, Johnson, and anonymous
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