Re: FVWM: making a window unmovable

From: Michael Han <>
Date: Tue, 06 Apr 1999 10:09:28 -0700

>%% "Araujo, Scott" <> writes:
> as> apologies for previous micorsquish garbage attached to my e-mail,
> as> i hope they're gone now. still stuck on ms outlook for e-mail :(
>Nope, still there. Don't know anything about outlook, but in NS mail
>there's a preference that says something like "Prefer rich text" which
>you need to uncheck to avoid HTML.

To remove ms-tnef content (incidentally, it's microsoft's
html-in-email content-type, base64 encoded... blech!) you need to set
your preference to compose as plaintext... In your Outlook options go
to the "Mail format" tab and "send in this message format: plain
text". May the world be a better place...

> as> i have older ones if you think i need them. just kidding :) as i
> as> said before i'm happy to upgrade fvwm to a newer version if need
> as> be. do you know if this functionality exists in a newer version?
>Even in the latest versions of fvwm, you can only change the styles of
>windows if their resource class or instance names are different.

What Paul said.

>You will need to investigate further; the FvwmIndentify module (if you
>have it in your version!) will help with this. Select the main window
>and then the popups and see if you can see a difference.
>I just tried with my copy of standalone Navigator, comparing the root
>window to the "Find" dialogue. The class of both is "Netscape", but the
>resource of the root is "Navigator" while the resource of the dialogue
>is "findDialog_popup". So, you should be able to use these differences
>to set the style for the root differently than the others.
>Actually, the man page also says you can change styles based on the
>window name; I wonder if you can set the netscape root window name to
>something rather than have it change for each page title as it does

I think this is probably the best approach. When a netscape window
opens it should be titled something strange like: "Netscape: blah blah
blah blah". Try matching your resource/class string to match all
Netscape-related windows and set for handles, etc. Then follow that
style line with one that matches just the starting title of the window
and strip the handles, etc. Should work...
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