FVWM: menu animation stopped working?

From: Trent Piepho <xyzzy_at_u.washington.edu>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 1999 06:01:01 -0800 (PST)

I've recently switched from fvwm 2.1.6 to fvwm 2.2. My menus are no longer
animated. ie. when a submenu appears near the edge of the screen the menu
doesn't slide over the make more room. It appears that animation doesn't work
unless the second argument to popupoffset is >=100. For example

menustyle * popupoffset 0 67, Animation # no animation
menustyle * popupoffset 0 100, Animation # yes animation
menustyle * popupoffset 50 99, Animation # no animation

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Received on Fri Mar 12 1999 - 07:57:22 GMT

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