Re: FVWM: MultiHeaded

From: Randall S. Winchester <>
Date: Sat, 6 Mar 1999 04:25:40 -0500 (EST)

On Fri, 5 Mar 1999, Shannon Lee wrote:

: OK... AFACT, in order to be able to pass the mouse between your two screens on
: Solaris, you must have the following entry in /usr/dt/config/Xservers:
: :0 Local local_uid_at_console root /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun -dev /dev/fb0:/dev/fb1
: which says that the X server should control both displays, and allow mouse
: passthrough. You may list more screens than this (I believe Solaris supports
: as many as you have slots for video cards), and they will allow horizontal
: passthrough in the order listed.
: The other way to list multiple screens is to give a -dev argument for each
: screen, but this does not allow mouse passthrough.

I have two heads and use this;

/usr/openwin/bin/Xsun -dev /dev/fb0 left -dev /dev/fb1 right -terminate \

My hall mate has three heads and does this;

/usr/openwin/bin/X -v -nobanner -dev /dev/cgsix0 -dev /dev/cgfourteen0 \
 defclass TrueColor defdepth 24 -dev /dev/cgsix1

: I've just now started tackling how to configure fvwm2 to deal with both
: screens, so more as news breaks, but so far I seem to be running completely
: seperate instances of fvwm in each screen, which do not know about one
: another, and I don't seem to be able to pass windows back and forth at all.


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Received on Sat Mar 06 1999 - 03:26:30 GMT

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