FVWM: Updating my fvwm2rc, and Windows Alt-Tab behaviour

From: William Denton <buff_at_pobox.com>
Date: Thu, 25 Feb 1999 01:45:30 -0500 (EST)


I installed 2.2 last night and everything went perfectly fine. I upgraded
my Xpm libraries first--I had 3.4f or something--and I got some nifty
zooming effects when I minimized windows, which then went away when I
started fiddling with my fvwm2rc, but that's not big deal because I never
minimize anything.

My set-up worked just as it had before under 2.0.46 and 2.1.7 and stuff,
but reading the fvwm2 man page I saw things like AddToDecor and
MenuStyle, which I hadn't noticed before. I spent a little while reading
and editing and now I think I'm using all the new commands to make
everything look the same way it did before. I guess this will prove
worthwhile when the old ways stop working.

I'm hesitant to ask, because I know I've seen talk about it before, but I
didn't see the answer to this in the archives or the man page: how do I
get the Windows-style Alt-Tab behaviour?

Thanks to all the FVWM developers. New window managers seem to be
springing up every week now, and some folks are running off to try the
latest resource hog so they can have zooming factal images as backgrounds
in their xterms, but I've always liked FVWM, felt it did what I wanted,
and now that it's back under regular development I'm pleased and grateful.

William Denton                       <URL:http://www.vex.net/~buff/>
Toronto, Ontario, Canada             Note I'm now at pobox.com.
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Received on Thu Feb 25 1999 - 00:46:16 GMT

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