FVWM: Problem with F2 in FVWM 2.2

From: Dan D Niles <dan_at_jane.apg.more.net>
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 1999 16:13:03 -0600

I just upgraded to FVWM 2.2 and my keybinding for F2 has stopped working.
The binding I have is:

Key F1 A A Prev [CurrentPage WinId1] FlipFocus
Key F2 A A Prev [CurrentPage WinId2] FlipFocus

The F1 key (and all others) works just fine. I find the following
error in my .xsession-errors every time I hit F2:

/tmp/.wm_pid: No such file or directory

Any idea what is causing this? I searched in the fvwm2 man page
and didn't find anything about it using F2 for its own purposes.

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Received on Tue Feb 23 1999 - 16:13:42 GMT

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