Re:FVWM: FvwmPager (2.1.10) Button 2 problem...(B

From: Toshi Isogai(B <>
Date: Fri, 5 Feb 1999 16:05:31 -0700 (MST)

Philip Hallstrom writes:
> > Philip Hallstrom writes:
> > > Hi -
> > > When I drag a window using button 2, it moves, but my viewport
> > > also changes. I'm almost positive that earlier version (whatever was
> > > current a month ago) didn't do this.
> > Well, there used to be a way.
> > I have a patch for 2.0.46 to drag window/icon into and out from the
> > pager. Maybe, one of the maintainer can re-incorporate it?
> Oh... please please please add this to 2.1.11 (or 12)... pretty please :)
> it is the only thing I miss from olvwm...
> Toshi - can you email me the patch (privately)?

I don't know what you can do with it if you are using 2.1.10, but
the patch is at

(I have a problem attaching binary to email right now.)

> thanks!
> --
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Toshi Isogai
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Received on Fri Feb 05 1999 - 17:06:40 GMT

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