FVWM: 8 bit vs. 24 bit autoselect?

From: Steve Swamp <swamp_at_mindspring.com>
Date: Tue, 26 Jan 1999 22:23:17 -0500

Ok, I'm sure this will show my ignorance of X servers, but I'll do my
best to make this intelligible.

I'm currently running fvwm 2.0.46 on Solaris 2.6, getting ready to go to
fvwm 2.1.x. Our Sparcs have 24-bit video cards in them, but the X server
is configured for applications to run in 8-bit mode by default.
Applications like ImageMagick and Netscape query the X server to figure
out the 24 bit support, and stat up in 24 bit mode. We can't change our
X server configuration to default to 24 bit because it breaks several of
our older design tools. So right now, fvwm starts up in 8 bit mode.

The question is - is 2.1.x able to query the X server to start in 24 bit
mode, or is there a quick change that can be made in the code to make it
default to 24 bit? Any chance of a feature being added here?

Thanks in advance,


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Received on Tue Jan 26 1999 - 21:24:50 GMT

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