>>>>> Neil Zanella <nzanella_at_cs.mun.ca> writes:
> Is it possible to bind an action to a "windows" or "menu" key like
> those that comes with standard 104-key keyboards (these keys are not
> found on traditional Unix keyboards).
Sure! Just use your .xmodmaprc file and run it through xmodmap in your
~/.xinitrc or equivalent file, i.e.,
xmodmap -e ~/.xmodmaprc
where .xmodmaprc has something like this:
! Assign left Win95 key to L5 (Raise/Lower in fvwm2)
keycode 115 = L5
! Assign right Win95 key to Compose Character
keycode 116 = Multi_key
! Assign right "menu" key to L7 (Iconify in fvwm2)
keycode 117 = L7
In my example, you can then assign L5/L7 to actions in your .fvwm2rc file.
Senior Software Engineer / ericding_at_applix.com <><
Applix, Inc. / 112 Turnpike Road / Westboro MA 01581-2842
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Received on Tue Jan 26 1999 - 12:32:01 GMT