FVWM: problem opening libXpm.so.4

From: Andrew Griffin <agriffin_at_cwo.com>
Date: Thu, 14 Jan 1999 20:27:19 -0800

If this question is inappropriate for the list I apologize in advance. That said. I recently attempted to install the most recent version of fvwm2 (I forget the version number, it is in beta). The compile and install seemed to go fine but attempting to start Xwindows (v. I've been getting the message that libXpm.so.3 could not be opened.

I know that X will run ok on it's own, XF86Setup ran just fine as did xvidtune. I've looked through all of the documentation I could find, but could find nothing that would help. libXpm.so.3 is in my ld.so.conf file if that makes any difference. I'm quite new to Linux so any help you could offer would be greatly appreciated.

btw, I'm running the most recent Slackware release of Linux.


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Received on Thu Jan 14 1999 - 22:29:12 GMT

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