FVWM: FvwmButton recommendations wanted

From: Neil Bird <neil.bird_at_rrds.co.uk>
Date: Mon, 11 Jan 1999 10:38:53 +0000

  I've become rather attached to my setup, as one does, but with the
problems I'm having with fvwm2 & OpenLook apps., I'm looking at replacing
my trio of sticky corner apps, (perfmeter, clock & cm) with a 2x2
FvwmButtons thing.

  + +-+ Perfmeter, clocK, Cm
  | |c|

  Can anyone recommend:

  a) another clock that'll show the seconds hand? [maybe even let me have
my roman numerals too]

  b) a perfmeter that will actually be Swallowed (FvwmButtons doesn't
complain, but doesn't swallow it, either) that can show CPU usage as well
as xload's load.

 c) a way of showing the day+month (as cm's icon does) in a button that
could launch cm. Is ther a way of docking an app.'s *icon* in FvwmButtons
that I've missed?


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