FVWM: InitFunction/RestartFunction inaccesible from second init file?

From: Jesper James <jjj_at_oedan.dk>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 1999 14:13:36 +0100 (NFT)


I have a problem with the InitFunction and RestartFunction. I can't seem
to access them from other than the first commandfile given to fvwm.
I i eg. startup fvwm2 (2.1.5) like:

fvwm2 -f systrem.fvwm2rc -f user.fvwm2rc

There is no way (i found) to set/change/destroy the init/restart functions
from the user.fvwm2rc file? I can destroy and add to menus, but not to
these functions. Anyone have any clues for this problem?

Best Regards,
Jesper James

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