FVWM: FvwmTaskBarAutoHide has no clothes

From: Tom Toffoli <tt_at_bu.edu>
Date: Thu, 19 Nov 1998 14:47:39 -0500 (EST)


The AutoHide feature of the fvmw2 TaskBar (used, e.g., in AnotherLevel) does
not work well; more bluntly, I'd say it's BROKEN. Can anyone at fvwm2 or
RedHat fix it or tell us how to patch it?

I'm using fvwm2-2.0.46 as it comes with RedHatLinux 5.2.
As far as my experiments can tell, AutoHide behaves differently in the top,
middle, and bottom panes of a desktop (and because of this, it took me a
while to characterize its behavior). For simplicity, assume you have a 1x3
    | 1 |
    | 2 |
    | 3 |
(but my comments apply to any vertical number of panes, and in this case
1 stands for the top pane, 3 for the bottom one, and 2 stands for all the panes
in between)

Well, AutoHide works well in pane one, UNTIL you manage to cross, with the
mouse, the boundary between panes 1 and 2; then, when you come back to 1, the
taskbar remains stuck in the hidden position.

In pane 2, the taskbar always remains hidden.

In pane 3 (the bottom pane, or the only pane in a 1x1 desktop), the taskbar
pops up and down all right, but when it pops down it hides only 2/5 of the
way, so that most of it still sticks out.

So, in none of the three cases is the AutoHide feature worth its name.

A working AutoHide would be a very useful features especially with small
screens. The powers that be, please take a look at it and make it work.
If, on the other hand, I'm being extremely dense and the feature can
be made to work, please show me how.
                                                Tom Toffoli
        Prof. Tommaso Toffoli tt_at_bu.edu |
        ECE Dept. | home:
        Boston University 617/353-9846 | 617/864-8545
        8 Saint Mary's St. fax -6440 | 26 Athens St.
        Boston, MA 02215 | Cambridge, MA 02138
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