FVWM: Problems with fvwm2

From: Ralph Bigio <bigior_at_seus.metoc.ns.doe.ca>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 1998 13:44:09 +0000

I am using v2.0.46 under HPUX 10.20, and can't get past 3 problems:

1. Whenever I try to use the scroll bar, the window locks up. This
happens when I try to grab the slider, or click in the scroll bar, or
click on the up/down arrows in the bar. The only way out is to kill the
window and open a new one.

2. I cannot invoke click-to-focus. Regardless of focus setting in
.fvwm2 it stays in focus-follows-mouse without auto-raise. I know I'm
invoking the correct .fvwm2 because the menu buttons are correct.

3. The only way to raise a window seems to be to click in the top bar.
I want to be able to click anywhere in a window to raise it.

Any help you can offer would be appreciated.


Ralph Bigio

*	Ralph Bigio 
*	Weather Services Centre Halifax (METOC CENTRE)
*	bigior_at_seus.metoc.ns.doe.ca
*	voice 902-427-0550 ext 6374
*	fax   902-427-6381
*	CSN       447-6374
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