Re: FVWM: DumbPlacement - FVWM ver. 2.1.0

From: Jason L Tibbitts III <>
Date: 03 Nov 1998 18:23:48 -0600

>>>>> "BW" == Bob Woodside <> writes:

BW> Gee, the word seems to get around, doesn't it?

It was never announced; someone pulled it out of the FTP site. I have
moved it to a testing directory with a message telling people not to talk
about it on the general list.

BW> (Developers, take note: this was posted to the general list, not the
BW> workers' list. We need to be watching there for bug reports on this
BW> beta, too.)

Yes, but don't crosspost to both lists. Note the Reply-To:.

 - J<
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