(I apologize to follow up to an arguably off-topic thread, it's just to add a
suggestion to an excellent problem report, which isn't exactly a FAQ, and
the author must have read it beforehand).
"AH" == Alexis Huxley <alexis_at_danae.demon.co.uk> writes:
AH> Before starting X windows I run:
AH> PS1="myprompt> " export PS1
AH> I then start X with 'startx'. The system's default window manager is
AH> fvwm2. Then I choose 'xterm' by clicking on the background to activate
AH> the system wide wm menu and selecting 'xterm'. And my PS1 setting has
AH> been lost!
AH> I moved my .profile, .bash*, .fvwm2rc, .xsession, .xinitrc, .Xresources
AH> files out of the way, logged out and in and repeated the above and it
AH> still did the same thing.
Check ~/.Xdefaults also.
AH> I switched to 'twm' instead of fvwm2 and exactly the same thing
AH> happened.
Looking like Xdefaults... If nobody sets PS1, then you must have a fresh
login session on that xterm. Check w/ "echo $SHLVL" or
[ $SHLVL -eq 1 ] && echo Lost PS1 again...
AH> (...)
AH> I've narrowed the problem down to the window manager specifically, by
AH> running 'xterm &' without options from my .xsession file, and by adding
AH> a menu option to do the same to my personal .fvwm2rc file. The one
AH> started by the .xinitrc has PS1 preserved. But the one started by fvwm2
AH> (which is in turn also started by .xinitrc) loses the PS1 setting.
AH> (.Xresources has been moved out of the way, so it's nothing to do with
AH> changing the 'loginShell' X resource between the two invocations of
AH> xterm.)
1) Are you sure fvwm doesn't add a "-ls" anywhere?
2) Any other lines in .xsession between 'xterm &' and 'fvwm2'?
3) Did I mention to check ~/.Xdefaults?-)
AH> [more experiments description deleted, and why PS1 is so important]...
bash+xinit+precious environment vars = Trouble+Many hours wasted ;-)
...been there, done that, bought the t-shirt...(ouch)
Jose' Pereira Tel. +351.1.841 9340
DEEC - Dep. of Electrical and Computer Engineering Fax. +351.1.841 7499
Instituto Superior Tecnico - Technical University of Lisboa
Av. Rovisco Pais - 1049-001 Lisboa - Portugal
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Received on Mon Nov 02 1998 - 18:52:54 GMT