Neil Zanella writes:
> say I am typing in an xterm and launch netscape. On small screens
> especially, typically netscape ends up covering the xterm window. As
> you are typing, you end up typing into the window with the netscape
> browser (netscape takes about 15 minuts to come up on my PC so I
> usually try to do something else while it launches). The same applies
> to other applications, not just Netscape. So when I launch them, I
> don't care where they end up, as long as they don't cover the window
> that has focus (or the window that had last focus if i am launching
> from a menu).
The way I handle this is to have Netscape start up iconic. (I use
"Style * NoIcon"; I don't know whether an appearing icon will take focus
in an Fvwm without this configuration.)
- H�vard Fosseng
S'il fallait tol�rer aux autres tout ce qu'on se permet � soi-m�me, la
vie ne serait plus tenable.
-- Georges Courteline
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Received on Sat Oct 03 1998 - 09:38:48 BST