Re: FVWM: FVWM loosing keybindings

From: Ivo Janssen <>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 1998 15:28:09 +0200 (CEST)

In response to myself:

On Mon, 14 Sep 1998, Ivo Janssen wrote:

> I sometimes find myself losing keybindings such as "META-LeftButton"
> in a window is "Move", CTRL-ArrowLeft is "Scroll Screen Left". You
> know em.
> It's very annoying, and restarting fvwm2 doesn't help.
> Only logging out and in, so that fvwm2 gets "cold-started" helps.

It seems that checking the numlock key indeed fixes the problem.
Who would suspect that Numlock is some sort of "Modifier". I'd
like to see this in some sort of FAQ (if it isn't already, in which
case I should RTFM better). Or remove the stupid "feature" from fvwm,
make it an option like "NumLockTrigger [true|flase]"



+-------------------+--------------------------------+-+     +---+
| IVO JANSSEN       |        | |     |   |
| Ricardishof 1/428 |   | |   |-+   |
| 2614 JE Delft     |   | +->-|    (|)
| the Netherlands   | Dept of Electrical Engineering |     |-+   |
| +31-15-2855973    | Delft University of Technology |       |   |
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