On 11-Aug-98 Neil Zanella wrote:
> You have a point here. The thing is that it is very easy to click on window
> titlebar buttons because they are always in reach. So, for something I use
> so often as that I thought a button binding would be OK.
That's the whole point of the X philosophy - flexibility to customize
your desktop in a way that lets you work comfortably and efficiently, not
necessarily the same way everyone else does. Go for it.
> Your suggestion is very neat and would probably do for now. It would be
> nice though to be able to keep everthing in one file and not in a .fvwm2rc
> and a .sh file.
Quite right, it would. However, I believe it will be a while before
the developers reach a consensus about what's to be done with Fvwm's command
language, and there are some significant architectural changes that really
need to be made - e.g., the famous Great Style Flag Rewrite (tm) - before
serious work is done on the command language. Also, Fvwm is in a state of
transition between the old and the new maintainer, which slows things down
a bit.
That's why I suggested a technique you can use right now to get the
result you want.
Oh, yes. That one file. (I know, I'm shifting the emphasis of your
remark slightly.) You'll probably find, as you add enough stuff to that one
.fvwm2rc file, that it'll become *really* unmanageable, and you'll want to
split it into several smaller ones sourced by the main file. My present
.fvwm2rc is little more than a bunch of Read commands to pull in the various
other pieces, that are of a convenient editing size.
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Received on Tue Aug 11 1998 - 20:24:05 BST